Get Your Hearing Tested in a Calibrated Sound Booth
It is crucial to have your hearing tested in a properly calibrated sound booth to ensure accurate results. These results are later used to program the correct prescription into your hearing aids, so it is important to get it right the first time.
What can I expect when seeing an Audiologist for a hearing test?
You will be greeted by one of our friendly, fully trained reception team and introduced to your Audiologist who will assess the health of your ears.
Your clinician will take a medical case history, this means asking you some questions about your general health and in particular about your ears and your hearing. They will also ask you about various hearing situations to get an idea of how your everyday life might be affected by your hearing.
Your Audiologist will then carry out a number of tests on your hearing to find out exactly how well you are hearing.

Is It Just Ear Wax?
Your ears will be examined prior to testing to ensure there is no significant ear wax. If so, we can gently clean the wax prior to testing.
Specialized Hearing Tests and Equipment
We use a mix of specialized tests including tones, speech in quiet, and speech in noise to accurately assess your hearing.
The results from this test will provide your audiologist with an idea of what type of hearing loss you may have. It will also give us an idea of which sounds you may be missing in your day to day life.
It is important to note that sometimes your hearing loss may be the result of other medical conditions that must be treated before hearing aids become an option. If this is the case, we may refer you to a medical doctor that specializes in ear disorders. While this isn’t very common, it is the first step for some.
Hearing Aid Repair
We work with all the major hearing aid brands and can service, repair, and re-tune your existing devices.
Tinnitus Treatment
Do you have ringing in the ears? Our trained specialists can help you with answers and solutions.
Hearing Evaluation/Testing
The first step on your journey to better hearing is a comprehensive assessment of your ears and hearing.